Laryngorhinootologie 2007; 86(3): 168-171
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-972172
Tipps & Tricks

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Wiederherstellung des nasopharyngealen Abschlusses durch Injektion eines nichtresorbierbaren Elastomer-Implantats

Restauration of the Soft Palate Function by Injection of a Non-Resorbable Elastomere-ImplantSabine Frühwald, Kai-Johannes Lorenz, Matthias Tisch, Heinz Maier
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
09 March 2007 (online)



Velopharyngeal function is often compromised by the resection of oropharyngeal tumours. In general, surgical reconstruction represents the treatment of choice for the restoration of velopharyngeal function. In rare cases however reconstructive surgery is not possible, due to the general condition of the patient or extensive postradiogenic alterations of the local tissue, like in the presented case report. Then sufficient velopharyngeal closure during swallowing and speech in selected cases may be achieved by augmentation of the posterior pharyngeal wall and the corresponding region of the velum. We present a new non-invasive technique for reduction of the calibre of the velopharyngeal aperture by augmentation using injection of VOXTM Implants a polydimethylsiloxanelastomer-implant which has been introduced for vocal cord augmentation.


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OTA Prof. H. Maier

Abt. HNO-Heilkunde/Kopf- und Halschirurgie, BWK Ulm
