Two-hundred and ninety-four male and 224 female randomly selected recreational cyclists responded to a mail questionnaire. Significant differences were observed between male and female cyclists' training characteristics. Overall, 85 % of the cyclists reported one or more overuse injury, with 36 % requiring medical treatment. The most common anatomical sites for overuse injury/complaints reported by the male and female cyclists combined were the neck (48.8 %), followed by the knees (41.7 %), groin/buttocks (36.1 %), hands (31.1 %), and back (30.3 %). For the male cyclists, effect upon back and groin/buttocks overuse injuries/complaints were miles/week, lower number of gears, and less years of cycling. For female cyclists, training characteristics which had the most significant effect upon groin/buttocks overuse injury/complaints were more non-competitive events/year and less stretching before cycling. The odds of female cyclists developing neck and shoulder overuse injury/complaints were 1.5 and 2.0 times more, respectively than their male counterparts.
Key words
Cycling - overuse - injuries - epidemiology