Neuropediatrics 1996; 27(2): 59-63
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-973750
Review Articles

© Hippokrates Verlag GmbH Stuttgart

A Classification Scheme for Malformations of Cortical Development

A. J. Barkovich1 , R. I. Kuzniecky2 , W. B. Dobyns3 , G. D. Jackson4 , L. E. Becker5 , P. Evrard6
  • 1Department of Radiology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA,
  • 2Department of Neurology, UAB, UAB Epilepsy Center, Birmingham, Alabama, USA,
  • 3Department of Child Neurology, University of Minnesota, Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA,
  • 4Institute of Child Health, University of London, London, UK,
  • 5Department of Pathology, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, USA,
  • 6Pediatric Neurology Service, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
13 March 2007 (online)


Malformations of the cerebral cortex are being recognized more frequently as a cause of epilepsy, developmental delay, neurological deficits, and mental retardation. Nonetheless, a standard nomenclature and classification system of these malformations, based upon state-of-the art knowledge derived from genetics, embryology, imaging, and pathology, has not been devised. In this manuscript, we propose such a classification system. Moreover, we have constructed the system such that both the framework and the classifications themselves are flexible and can be adapted as our knowledge of the embryology, genetics, imaging, and pathology of these disorders advances. We believe that the use of this classification system will help both clinicians and researchers to understand and think about these disorders and their causes better. In turn, we hope that this improved understanding will lead to further refinements in classification, to advances in our knowledge and, ultimately, to improvements in therapy.