Am J Perinatol 2007; 24(9): 531-539
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-986680
© Thieme Medical Publishers

Management of Pregnancy after Radical Trachelectomy: Case Reports and Systematic Review of the Literature

Jennifer A. Jolley1 , Leah Battista1 , Deborah A. Wing1
  • 1Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of California at Irvine, Orange, California
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
26 September 2007 (online)


This article reviews the existing literature on pregnancy outcomes following radical trachelectomy for low-stage cervical carcinoma and describes the guidelines in our institution for obstetrical management after managing two pregnancies following radical trachelectomy. We performed a literature search in PUBMED, MEDLINE, and EMBASE for the keywords “radical trachelectomy,” “pregnancy,” or “fertility” from 1994 to the present. All observational studies were included, and duplicate cases were excluded from our review. In addition to our cases, 14 studies were reviewed and included. Selection criteria included case reports or series detailing pregnancy outcomes including gestational age at delivery. Data regarding pregnancy outcomes were tabulated from the reports with focus on additional procedures such as vaginal occlusion and delivery outcomes. Where data were unclear, the authors personally contacted the authors of previously published manuscripts for further data. Our results revealed that 40% of women conceived following radical trachelectomy. Of them they had a preterm delivery rate of 25%, and 42% culminated in delivery of a live born infant at term. The use of the vaginal occlusion procedure did not appear to prolong gestation when compared with those women who did not have the procedure, but the majority of successful pregnancy outcomes have occurred with a cerclage in place. In conclusion, successful pregnancy outcome is possible after radical trachelectomy for cervical cancer, with two thirds of pregnancies resulting in a live birth, including those of both cases reported. There is a higher frequency of adverse perinatal outcomes in these patients, however, and careful interdisciplinary planning and counseling prior to undertaking the trachelectomy is recommended.


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Deborah A WingM.D. 

Associate Professor and Director, Maternal-Fetal Medicine

101 The City Drive, Suite 800, Building 56, Orange, CA 92868; reprints not available from the author