Laryngorhinootologie 2007; 86(11): 770-774
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-992853
Tipps & Tricks

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Neue Ligatur-Nahttechnik zur Blutungsstillung in der supraglottischen Region sowie im Pharynx und Hypopharynx

A New Ligature-Suture Technique to Control Hemorraghe in the Supraglottic Region and in Pharynx-HypopharynxGyörgy Lichtenberger
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26. Oktober 2007 (online)



The bleeding by or after operations may cause serious problems in narrow anatomical areas such as the pharynx and larynx. Placing sutures in this area is cumbersome and difficult. A "Ligature-Suture Technique" and Instrument has been developed to alleviate this problem.

The "Ligature-Suture Technique" and Instrument were developed in cadaver and in vitro model experiments in an effort to greatly simplify suturing of vessels in the base of the tongue, larynx, hypopharynx and oropharynx. The instrument consists of a tip structure that will accept a suture and with one simple thrust of the handle will encircle the blood vessel allowing easy ligation. The further developed and designed instrument is commercially available by the Karl Storz Co.

The instrument and technique was utilized to control operative hemorrhage in 32 cases: 4 patients with base of the tongue lesions, 2 patients with laryngeal surgery, 7 patients with hypopharyngeal surgery and most helpful was in lesions of the pharynx in 19 cases. The best results were achieved to control difficult tonsillectomy hemorrhage but its use was limited for laryngeal bleeding. Full details of the "Ligature-Suture Instrument" will be presented.

The advantages of this Ligature-Suture Technique are simple, straightforward, and safe as compared to other suture methods.


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