Laryngorhinootologie 1987; 66(4): 186-190
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-997147
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Resorbierbare Gelatine - Marbagelan® - in der Otochirurgie

Eine experimentelle Studie an MeerschweinchenAbsorbable Gelatin Sponge (Marbagelan®) in Otosurgery: An Experimental Study in the Guinea PigM. Gjurić
  • Universitäts-Hals-Nasen-Ohrenklinik Zagreb (Direktor: Prof. Dr. Z. Krajina)
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
29 February 2008 (online)


Das Schicksal des Marbagelans® (Behringwerke AG Marburg - resorbierbare Gelatine) wurde nach Implantation in das Mittelohr von Meerschweinchen überprüft. Drei Monate nach Implantation des Marbagelans sind bei allen Versuchstieren die Reste der nicht resorbierten Gelatine vorgefunden worden. Die Anwesenheit des Marbagelans induzierte die Entstehung von Granulationen und Knochenneubildung, woraus in einigen Fällen die Obliteration der Bulla resultierte. Das Marbagelan ist nicht für die Implantation in das Mittelohr von Meerschweinchen geeignet.


The goal of this study was to evaluate histologically the tissue response to Marbagelan® in the middle ears of guinea pigs after implantation. Three months after implantation there was a mass of unabsorbed Marbagelan in the bullae of all experimental animals. A pronounced formation of granulation tissue and obliteration of the middle ear cavity by new bone was observed in cases in which Marbagelan was firmly packed into the middle ear cavity. Small pieces of gelatin sponge filling the middle ear niches were covered with normal middle ear mucosa and separated from the rest of the cavity. Marbagelan is not suitable for implantation in the middle ear of guinea pigs and similar tissue reactions may occur in human middle ear surgery.