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DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-997703
Über das Riechen
The Sense of SmellPublication History
Publication Date:
29 February 2008 (online)
Der Einfluß des Riechens auf die Lebensqualität wird an Beispielen aus der Geschichte und Literatur dargestellt. Napoleons, Goethes und Schillers Verhältnis zu olfaktorischen Genüssen wird beleuchtet. Anhand verschiedener Küchengewürze wird auf den subjektiven Erlebniswert der Aromata eingegangen. Duftstoffe können zwar düstere Stimmungen aufhellen, sind jedoch als Therapeutikum gegen ernstere Erkrankungen ungeeignet.
About two million Americans suffer from anosmia. Most result from nasal obstruction, head injuries, and viral infections. Brain disorders like epileptic seizures, tumours, and dementia can distort the sense of smell. Anosmia adversely affects patient well-being. Patients cannot detect spoiled food, gas leakage, or dangerous smoke. They are unable to distinguish flavour and smell the springtime or the ocean. Many products as soaps, cat litter, toilet paper, etc. are perfumed because consumers will more readily buy a product that smells nice than one that has no smell at all. Historically, the importance of odors was very different. The ancient Romans loved exotic aromas during their banquets and orgies. In the Middle Ages the church did not like fragrances. The French revolution of 1789 brought a revolution of deodorisation to Europe. Today, fragrance companies' increasing sales are an indication of the power of odor.
Anosmie - Wohlbefinden des Patienten - Riechgenüsse
Key words
Anosmia - Patient well-being - Olfactory