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DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1025764
Resting Echocardiographic Parameters After Cessation of Regular Endurance Training
14. März 2008 (online)

Resting echocardiograms were examined in nonathletic healthy young men (controls, n=16), in highly trained endurance athletes (n=20), and in endurance athletes who stopped regular training (n=40). The relative muscular wall thickness (Rel. MWTd), left ventricular internal diameters both in diastole and in systole (LVIDd, LVIDs), thus also the end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes (LVEDV, LVESV), and the,stroke volume index (SVI) were greater in the endurance athletes still in training than in the nonathletes. The ejection fraction (EF), heart rate (HR), cardiac index (CI), and mean circumferential shortening velocity (Vcf) were significantly lower in the athletes. During the 60 days of detraining no change was seen in the Rel. MWTd, LVEDV, LVESV, and HR. The SVI became even greater; EF and Vcf rose up to the control level while CI exceeded it. The cardiovascular regulation is therefore assumed to undergo a peculiar shift during detraining in that a persisting cardiac enlargement and bradycardia is associated with a temporarily unstable autonomous control. This imbalance often leads to a hyperkinesis-like syndrome when an athlete stops endurance training abruptly.
Key words
echocardiography - endurance athletes - detraining - cardioregulatory imbalance