Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 1993; 203(9): 230-231
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1045673
Diagnostisches Forum

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Rezidivierende Episkleritis mit Hyperämie der Ohrmuschel als Frühsymptom einer chronischen Polychondritis

Episkieritis and Hypereniia of Auricles as Early Symptoms of Relapsing PotychondritisSvenja Tamm, Jutta Wild, Ulrich Schönherr
  • Universitätsaugenklinik Erlangen-Nürnberg
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30. April 2008 (online)


A 49-year-old patient with relapsing polychondritis, who presented in the first instance to an eye department, is described. The patient had episcleritis, papilloedema and posterior scleritis. Both auricles were red, swollen and tender under pressure. The patient responded well to systemic steroid therapy for two weeks. Relapsing polychondritis is a rare connective tissue disorder. Early diagnosis is important, as progressive disease may cause lesions of vital organs (lung, heart).