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DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1053514
© F. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart
Möglichkeiten geometrischer Röntgenuntersuchung des Beckens für den halbseitigen Beckenersatz
Possibilities of geometric X-ray examination of pelvis for replacing half of the pelvis by an artificial * Radiologische Fachpraxis, Augsburg,Publication History
Publication Date:
18 March 2008 (online)
Der halbseitige Beckenersatz erfordert präoperativ eine exakte röntgenoptische Rekonstruktion der zu ersetzenden Beckenhälfte. Durch geeignete Röntgenaufnahmen in a.p. - seitlicher und axialer Richtung ist eine hinreichend genaue Aussage über die relevanten Beckenmaße möglich.
Die elegantere und exaktere, jedoch aufwendigere und teurere Methode ist die Computertomographie des Bekkens, die eine nahezu ideale Rekonstruktion der zu ersetzenden Beckenhälfte erlaubt.
Patients with tumors of the pelvis, which cannot be treated by chemotherapy or radiation, must undergo hemipelvectomy. The postoperative prosthetic treatment was difficult und not always sufficient. So, a complete internal hemipelvectomy was done by replacement of an artificial part of half pelvis. Before the operation it was necessary to know the measurements of the pelvis exactly. This was done by taking X-ray pictures in anterior posterior, lateral and axial direction which brought out the relevant diameters for the construction of the artificial pelvis.
By using the Computer-Tomography we could get exaet slices of the pelvis in the transversal plane. The slices were centrally positioned, then the model was covered with modelling-mass. The result was an exact positive feature of the pelvis which must be replaced.