Semin intervent Radiol 1997; 14(1): 13-22
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1057088
Copyright © 1997 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.

Surgery of the Native AV Fistula for Hemodialysis Access

Thomas J. Hölzenbein* , Georg Kretschmer* , Sabine Schlemmer, Friedrich Winkelbauer , Johannes Lammer , Rudolf Steininger , Ferdinand Mühlbacher
  • *Department of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery,
  • †Department of Angiography and Interventional Radiology, and
  • ‡Department of Surgery, Division of Transplantation Surgery, AKH Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
21 May 2008 (online)


This chapter details a complete description of the variety of approaches for creation of an arteriovenous (AV) fistula for hemodialysis access. In it are described the clinical approach, theuse of venography, and the timing of surgery in these types of patients. Creation of AV fistulas in the upper extremity and the variety of methods used are described in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of creation of an AV fistula in the leg are given. Finally, the authors describe in detail their results performing these procedures over an 11-year period. The types of surgical procedures and complications associated with hemodialysis access are described.