Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 1980; 176(5): 839-840
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1057565
© 1980 F. Enke Verlag Stuttgart

Die Behandlung rezidivierender Hornhauterosionen mit verdauenden Fermenten

An Efficient Treatment for Recurrent Corneal ErosionsK. M. Illig
  • Richland/USA
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11. Februar 2008 (online)


Für rezidivierende Hornhauterosionen wird eine rasch wirksame Behandlungsmethode mit Hilfe von verdauenden Fermenten angegeben. Theoretische Erwägungen über die Pathogenese der Erkrankungen werden angestellt.


A therapy for recurrent erosions of the cornea with trypsin-chymotrypsin ointment is described. Impressed by the efficiency of the digestive enzymes, a theory on the development of recurrent erosions is presented. In cases of recurrent erosions, Bowman's membrane becomes coated with a fine layer of proteinic material which prevents a firm adhesion of the new epithelium on the membrane. Therefore blisters can form. When the surface of the membrane is cleaned by the digestive enzymes, the advancing epithelium will firmly adhere to its base.