Facial Plast Surg 1996; 12(4): 347-355
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1064505
© 1996 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.

Interrupted and Continuous Strip Technique for Tip Surgery During Traditional Rhinoplasty

Valerio Micheli-Pellegrini, L. Ponti, G. Ponti, P. Guidarelli
  • Casa di Cura Villa Donatello, P.za Donatello, Firenze, Italy
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Publication History

Publication Date:
02 June 2008 (online)

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The authors report their experience in corrective surgery of the tip during traditional closed rhinoplasty.

After a critical revision of the proposed techniques by other authors, the advantages of the “Doberman's ears” and “Butterfly” are given. The choice of the corrective techniques of the tip next to Tardy's algorithm can use a “sequential criterium” after having used a delivery approach.

During rhinoplasty it is possible to perform a system of “progression” from one method to another maintaining or interrupting the cartilaginous arch and having as a goal the increasing or the decreasing of the tip.