Laryngorhinootologie 2008; 87(3): 156-159
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1064908
Tipps & Tricks

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Sekundäre Rekonstruktion des Mundwinkel-Nasolabialfalten-Komplexes nach insuffizientem dynamischen Temporalismuskeltransfer

Secondary Correction of Nasolabial-Complex and Angle of Mouth after insufficient Dynamic temporal Muscle TransferR. Magritz, R. Siegert
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11. März 2008 (online)



The dynamic temporal muscle transfer by Gillies is a well established method to correct long lasting facial paralysis. In most cases it leads to acceptable and stable results with mimic movements of the nasolabial complex and lips. Nevertheless, in some cases the muscle tension slackens so much after months that facial symmetry and mimic function become insufficient. For these cases we developed a technique for secondary correction with fascia lata. It enables a reliable stabilization of the nasolabial-complex and angle of mouth without deterioration of the dynamic muscle function.


  • 01 Lexer E . Eden R . Über die chirurgische Behandlung der peripheren Fazialisparese.  Beitr Klin Chir. 1911;  73 116
  • 02 Gillies HD . Experience with fascia lata grafts in the operative treatment of facial paralysis.  Proc R Soc Med. 1934;  27 1372
  • 03 McLaughlin CR . Surgical support in permanent facial paralysis.  Plast Reconstr Surg. 1953;  11 302

Dr. Ralph Magritz

Klinik für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie PROSPER-HOSPITAL Recklinghausen, Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Ruhruniversität Bochum

Mühlenstraße 27

45659 Recklinghausen