Thromb Haemost 2004; 92(06): 1342-1348
DOI: 10.1160/TH04-07-0433
Platelets and Blood Cells
Schattauer GmbH

Platelet morphology, soluble P selectin and platelet P-selectin in acute ischaemic stroke

The West Birmingham Stroke Project
Sunil K. Nadar
1   Haemostasis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Unit, University Department of Medicine, City Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Gregory Y. H. Lip
1   Haemostasis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Unit, University Department of Medicine, City Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Andrew D. Blann
1   Haemostasis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Unit, University Department of Medicine, City Hospital, Birmingham, UK
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Received 19. Juli 2004

Accepted after revision 05. Oktober 2004

02. Dezember 2017 (online)

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The pathophysiology of ischaemic stroke involves the platelet. In this study, we hypothesised that abnormalities in platelet morphology, as well as soluble (sPsel) and total platelet P-selectin (pPsel) levels would be present in patients presenting with an acute ischaemic stroke, and that these changes would improve at ≥ 3 months’ follow-up. We studied 59 hypertensive patients (34 male; mean age 68± 12 years) who presented with an acute ischaemic stroke (ictus< 24 hours), and compared them with 2 groups: (i) age-, sex-and ethnic-origin matched normotensive healthy controls; and (ii) uncomplicated ‘ high risk’ hypertensive patients as ‘ risk factor control’ subjects. Platelet morphology (volume and mass) was quantified, and sPsel (plasma marker of platelet activation) was measured (ELISA) in citrated plasma. The mass of P-selectin in each platelet (pPsel) was determined by lysing a fixed number of platelets and then determining the levels of P-selectin in the lysate. Results show that patients who presented with a stroke had significantly higher levels of sPsel and pPsel (both p< 0.001), compared to the normal controls and the hypertensive patients. Patients with an acute stroke had lower mean platelet mass (MPM) and mean platelet volume (MPV) as compared to the uncomplicated hypertensive patients, who had significantly higher mean MPM and MPV values, as compared to normal controls. On follow-up, the levels of both sPsel (p = 0.011), pPsel (< 0.001) and MPV (p = 0.03) were significantly lower. Mean MPM levels remained unchanged. We conclude that patients presenting with an acute ischaemic stroke have activated platelets, as evident by the increased levels of soluble and platelet P-selectin. Further study of platelet activation and the role of P-selectin is warranted.