Thromb Haemost 2008; 99(01): 202-207
DOI: 10.1160/TH07-08-0485
New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs
Schattauer GmbH

A clinical prediction score for upper extremity deep venous thrombosis

Joel Constans
1   CHU Bordeaux and Bordeaux II University, Vascular and Internal Medicine Unit, Bordeaux, France
Louis-Rachid Salmi
2   CHU de Bordeaux, Service d'information médicale, and Université Segalen Bordeaux 2, Institut de santé publique, d'épidémiologie et de développement, Bordeaux, France
Marie-Antoinette Sevestre-Pietri
3   OPTIMEV Study Scientific Council, Grenoble, France
Sophie Perusat
1   CHU Bordeaux and Bordeaux II University, Vascular and Internal Medicine Unit, Bordeaux, France
Monika Nguon
1   CHU Bordeaux and Bordeaux II University, Vascular and Internal Medicine Unit, Bordeaux, France
Maryse Degeilh
3   OPTIMEV Study Scientific Council, Grenoble, France
Jose Labarere
4   CHU Grenoble, Clinical Investigation Center, Grenoble, France
Olivier Gattolliat
3   OPTIMEV Study Scientific Council, Grenoble, France
Carine Boulon
1   CHU Bordeaux and Bordeaux II University, Vascular and Internal Medicine Unit, Bordeaux, France
Jean-Pierre Laroche
3   OPTIMEV Study Scientific Council, Grenoble, France
Philippe Le Roux
3   OPTIMEV Study Scientific Council, Grenoble, France
Olivier Pichot
3   OPTIMEV Study Scientific Council, Grenoble, France
Isabelle Quéré
3   OPTIMEV Study Scientific Council, Grenoble, France
Claude Conri
1   CHU Bordeaux and Bordeaux II University, Vascular and Internal Medicine Unit, Bordeaux, France
Jean-Luc Bosson
4   CHU Grenoble, Clinical Investigation Center, Grenoble, France
› Institutsangaben
Financial support: This study was supported both from public resources (Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique) and private resources (Sanofi-Aventis).
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Received: 02. August 2007

Accepted after major revision: 07. Oktober 2007

24. November 2017 (online)


It was the objective of this study to design a clinical prediction score for the diagnosis of upper extremity deep venous thrombosis (UEDVT).A score was built by multivariate logistic regression in a sample of patients hospitalized for suspicion of UEDVT (derivation sample). It was validated in a second sample in the same university hospital, then in a sample from the multicenter OPTIMEV study that included both outpatients and inpatients. In these three samples, UEDVT diagnosis was objectively confirmed by ultrasound. The derivation sample included 140 patients among whom 50 had confirmed UEDVT, the validation sample included 103 patients among whom 46 had UEDVT, and the OPTIMEV sample included 214 patients among whom 65 had UEDVT. The clinical score identified a combination of four items (venous material, localized pain, unilateral pitting edema and other diagnosis as plausible). One point was attributed to each item (positive for the first 3 and negative for the other diagnosis). A score of –1 or 0 characterized low probability patients, a score of 1 identified intermediate probability patients, and a score of 2 or 3 identified patients with high probability. Low probability score identified a prevalence of UEDVT of 12, 9 and 13%, respectively, in the derivation, validation and OPTIMEV samples. High probability score identified a prevalence of UEDVT of 70, 64 and 69% respectively. In conclusion we propose a simple score to calculate clinical probability of UEDVT. This score might be a useful test in clinical trials as well as in clinical practice.