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DOI: 10.1160/TH09-12-0825
Heme oxygenase-1 in neovascularisation: A diabetic perspective
Financial support:This work was supported by grants: POIG 01.02-00–109/09 and 01.02-00-069/09 (European Union structural funds) and N 301 08032/3156, N N301 314837 and N301 460938 from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.Publikationsverlauf
08. Dezember 2009
Accepted after minor revision:
29. März 2010
23. November 2017 (online)

Neovascularisation is crucial both for physiological processes, like development, wound healing, tissue regeneration, hair growth or menstrual cycle, and for pathological states, such as tumour progression, retinopathy and psoriasis. Blood vessel formation is orchestrated by numerous pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors, acting together to keep tight rein on this complicated, desirable but also dangerous process. One of the proteins important for neovascularisation is heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), an enzyme degrading heme. This review focuses on the role of HO-1 in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis, having a closer look at the significance of this system in diabetes.
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