The development of inhibitors that neutralise the function of factor VIII (FVIII) is currently not only the most challenging complication associated with the treatment of haemophilia A but it also increases the disease-related morbidity as bleeding episodes do not respond to standard therapy. The main short-term goal of the treatment of inhibitor patients is to control bleeding episodes while the long-term one is to permanently eradicate the inhibitor by immune tolerance induction, particularly in the case of high-titer antibodies. Due to some in vitro studies and clinical observations, some investigators have suggested that FVIII concentrates containing von Willebrand factor (VWF) may be less immunogenic than high-purity or recombinant FVIII products. It has also been suggested that success rates for immune tolerance induction are higher when plasma-derived FVIII products are used. The currently available data from laboratory and clinical studies on the role of VWF in inhibitor development and eradication in haemophilia A is critically analysed in this review. As a result, we have not found definitive evidence supporting a role for product type on inhibitor incidence and inhibitor eradication in haemophilia A patients.
FVIII - inhibitors - haemophilia A - immune tolerance induction (ITI) - VWF