Safety of fibrinogen concentrate: analysis of more than 27 years of pharmacovigilance data
Cristina Solomon
CSL Behring, Marburg, Germany
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and General Intensive Care, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria
Albrecht Gröner
CSL Behring, Marburg, Germany
Ye Jian
CSL Behring, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA
Pendrak Inna
CSL Behring, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA
› Author AffiliationsFinancial Support: The investigation was funded by CSL Behring. Editorial assistance with manuscript preparation was provided by Meridian HealthComms and funded by CSL Behring.
Fibrinogen concentrate use as a haemostatic agent has been increasingly explored. This study evaluates spontaneous reports of potential adverse drug reactions (ADRs) that occurred during postmarketing pharmacovigilance of Haemocomplettan P/RiaSTAP, and reviews published safety data. This descriptive study analysed postmarketing safety reports recorded in the CSL Behring pharmacovigilance database from January 1986 to December 2013. A literature review of clinical studies published during the same period was performed. Commercial data indicated that 2,611,294 g of fibrinogen concentrate were distributed over the pharmacovigilance period, main-contribonding to 652,824 standard doses of 4 g each, across a range of clinical settings and indications. A total of 383 ADRs in 106 cases were reported (approximately 1 per 24,600 g or 6,200 standard doses). Events of special interest included possible hypersensitivity reactions in 20 cases (1 per 130,600 g or 32,600 doses), possible thromboembolic events in 28 cases (1 per 93,300 g or 23,300 doses), and suspected virus transmission in 21 cases (1 per 124,300 g or 31,000 doses). One virus transmission case could not be analysed due to insufficient data; for all other cases, a causal relationship was assessed as unlikely due to negative polymerase chain reaction tests and/or alternative explanations. The published literature revealed a similar safety profile. In conclusion, underreporting of ADRs is a known limitation of pharmacovigilance. However, the present assessment indicates that fibrinogen concentrate is administered across a range of indications, with few ADRs and a low thromboembolic event rate. Overall, fibrinogen concentrate showed a promising safety profile.
Institution to which work should be attributed: CSL Behring, Marburg, Germany.
Fibrinogen -
pharmacovigilance -
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