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DOI: 10.1160/TH2011120002
Erratum to: “Venous thromboembolism in patients with intracranial haemorrhage” by Lobo et al. (Thromb Haemost 2011; 106: 750-752)
27. November 2017 (online)
In the Letter to the Editor by Lobo et al. “Venous thromboembolism in patients with intracranial haemorrhage” (Thromb Haemost 2011; 106: 750-752), the authors forgot to list Timiraos J as a member of the RIETE Registry in the Appendix. The authors appologise for this oversight. The complete list of members of the RIETE Registry is printed again here:
SPAIN: Arcelus JI, Barba R, Barrón M, Blanco A, Bosco J, Casado I, Casas JM, Cisneros E, Chavez E, del Campo R, del Molino F, del Toro J, Durán M, Falgá C, Fernández-Capitán C, Gabriel F, Gallego P, García-Bragado F, González JP, Guijarro R, Guil M, Gutiérrez J, Gutiérrez MR, Hernández L, Hernández-Huerta D, Hernández-Toboso S, Jiménez D, Jiménez-Gil M, Lecumberri R, Lobo JL, López-Jiménez L, Lorenzo A, Luque JM, Madridano O, Maestre A, Marchena PJ, Martín-Villasclaras JJ, Montes J, Montaña M, Monreal M, Morales M, Nauffal MD, Nieto JA, Núñez MJ, Ogea JL, Oribe M, Otero R, Pedrajas JM, Provenza M, Rabuñal R, Riera-Mestre A, Rodríguez MA, Roldán V, Román P, Rosa V, Rubio S, Ruíz C, Ruíz J, Ruiz-Gamietea A, Ruíz-Giménez N, Sahuquillo JC, Samperiz A, Sánchez R, Sánchez Muñoz-Torrero JF, Soler S, Soto MJ, Tiberio G, Timiraos J, Tolodí JA, Tolosa C, Trujillo J, Uresandi F, Valdés M, Valdés V, Valle R, Vidal G, Villalta J. FRANCE : Boccalon H, Debourdeau P, Durant C, Farge-Bancel D, Mahe I, Mismetti P, Rivron-Guillot K, Szwebel T ISRAEL: Brenner B. ITALY: Barillari G, Ciammaichella M, Di Micco P, Dalla Valle F, Duce R, Piovella C, Poggio R, Prandoni P, Quintavalla R, Schenone A, Tiraferri E, Tonello D, Visonà A. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA: Bosevski M.