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DOI: 10.12687/phleb2120_2_2013
Thrombosis prophylaxis in bariatric surgery
Evaluation of the situation and practical recommendations Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: deutsch | EnglishPublikationsverlauf
01. Oktober 2012
19. Februar 2013
04. Januar 2018 (online)

Patients undergoing bariatric surgery represent a high risk group for venous thromboembolism. We discuss AWMF (Germany), NICE (UK), and ACCP (USA) guidelines, and we give a representative review of the literature. Early ambulation and mechanical prophylaxis are basic procedures that should be offered to all patients. Usually, pharmacologic prophylaxis is also mandatory. Drug of choice is low molecular heparin. For prophylaxis, we recommend a quarter of the weight-adapted therapeutic dose once daily subcutaneously without weight cut-off. Prophylaxis should be started the day before surgery. As an alternative, fondaparinux can be used in a fixed dose of 2,5 mg once daily. To date, there is no indication for new oral anticoagulants in bariatric surgery. Bleeding risk and risk of thromboembolism must be taken into account individually.
English version available
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