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DOI: 10.12687/phleb2261-2-2015
Compression therapy in obese patients
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: English | deutschPublikationsverlauf
15. Februar 2015
24. März 2015
04. Januar 2018 (online)

Triggered by obesity, venous (obesity-associated dependency syndrome) and lymphatic drainage disorders (obesity-associated lymphoedema) can develop, which in themselves require compression therapy, or other comorbidities with indication for compression therapy may exist. In obese patients, some specific features have to be observed in compression therapy:
- An adequate initial decongestive phase with padding and bandage materials,
- Compression hosiery with a high degree of stiffness (high-strength materials, where appropriate, flat-knitted) and optimal fit (meticulous fitting),
- Garment types that are suitable for daily use, if necessary, multi-part garment,
- Need for aids or auxiliary persons to ensure correct use,
- Concomitant consistent, intensive, lipid-replenishing skin care and optimised hygiene to reduce complications and side effects
- Regular medical check-ups to ensure correct fit of the leg compression garment.
Sometimes, particularly at the initial provision and in patients with a complicated physical shape, the stockings have to be modified several times before an optimal fit is achieved.
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