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DOI: 10.12687/phleb2441-5-2018
Importance and extent of phlebological health care in dermatological practices
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: deutsch | EnglishPublikationsverlauf
05. Juli 2018
19. Juli 2018
14. September 2018 (online)

Background: Venous diseases are of great socio-economic importance in Germany. Question: What is the scope and importance of phlebological care by office-based dermatologists? Methods: Structured online survey in May 2018 in n = 1,500 dermatological practices nationwide. Results: Of the 704 (46.9%) practices, 49.7% have additional certified qualification in phlebology. 87% of dermatologists carry out phlebological treatments, 74% of which are based on contracts with the statutory health insurances. On average they treat 18 phlebological patients per week and 880 per year, respectively. Most frequent procedures: Vein diagnostics (Doppler/duplex) and sclerosis of spider veins or lateral branches (each > 50%). 43% were rather or very satisfied with their phlebological treatment options, 35% assessed the care situation in phlebology worse than 10 years ago. Certified qualification in phlebology is considered to be of great importance by 82%. Conclusion: Specialized phlebological care as well as the additional certificate „phlebology“, are mostly considered as important for dermatology as a specialty.
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