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DOI: 10.1590/0004-282X-ANP-2020-0466
Epidemiological analysis of stroke patients with emphasis on access to acute-phase therapies
Análise epidemiológica de pacientes com AVC com ênfase no acesso às terapias de fase aguda
Background: Stroke is a public health problem. For patients with ischemic stroke, venous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy are effective therapeutic options. However, even after the National Stroke Treatment Guidelines were published in 2012, the number of cases treated is still lower than expected. Objective: To identify the determining factors for obtaining access to acute-phase therapies in the state of Espírito Santo (ES) and investigate the profile of stroke patients treated at the Central State Hospital (HEC). Methods: Retrospective data from the medical records of 1078 patients from May 2018 to December 2019 were analyzed. Results: Among the 1,078 patients, 54.9% were men and the most prevalent age group was 60 to 79 years. Systemic arterial hypertension was the main single risk factor. Regarding treatment modality among the patients who arrived at the HEC within the therapeutic window, 47% received some type of acute-phase therapy. Waking up with the deficit was the main contraindication for venous thrombolysis in these cases. Conclusions: Application of the flowchart established by SESA-ES seemed to be effective for enabling responsiveness of care for stroke victims. Public emergency transport services had a fundamental role in this process. In addition, the care provided by the tertiary stroke center provided excellent access to acute-phase therapies. However, despite the efficiency of the service provided at the HEC, it only reached a maximum of 50% of the ES population. This service model therefore needs to be expanded throughout the state.
Antecedentes: O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é um problema de saúde pública. Nos casos de AVC isquêmico, a trombólise venosa e a trombectomia mecânica são efetivas opções terapêuticas de fase aguda. Entretanto, mesmo com a Diretriz Nacional de AVC publicada desde 2012, o número de casos tratados ainda é baixo. Objetivo: Apurar os fatores determinantes para o acesso às terapias de fase aguda na realidade espírito-santense e investigar o perfil dos pacientes de AVC atendidos no Hospital Estadual Central de Vitória (HEC). Métodos: O presente estudo analisou dados retrospectivos de prontuários de 1.078 pacientes no período de maio de 2018 a dezembro de 2019. Resultados: Dos 1.078 pacientes, 54,9% eram homens e a faixa etária mais prevalente foi a de 60 a 79 anos. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica foi o principal fator de risco isolado. Quanto ao tratamento, identificou-se que entre os pacientes que chegaram ao HEC na janela terapêutica 47% receberam terapia de fase aguda e que acordar com o déficit foi a principal contraindicação para trombólise venosa nesses casos. Conclusões: As análises demonstraram que a aplicação do fluxograma estabelecido pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Espírito Santo parece ser eficaz na agilidade de atendimento das vítimas de AVC e que o Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência tem um papel fundamental nesse processo. Além disso, a assistência de um centro terciário de AVC permite acesso às terapias de fase aguda com excelência. Todavia, mesmo que o modelo de serviço prestado no HEC seja eficiente, ele atinge no máximo 50% da população do ES, sendo necessária a sua ampliação.
Authors’ contributions:
CFR, WGFN: bibliographic search, preparation and writing of the manuscript, participation in data analysis; ALP: bibliographic search, preparation of the manuscript, participation in data analysis; BCR, JDB: preparation of the manuscript, participation in data analysis; MS, VSN: guidance for execution and revision of the manuscript; LAB: guidance for execution of the manuscript; AFAP: writing and revision of the manuscript; CLM: guidance for execution and revision of the manuscript and participation in data analysis; JAFJ: guidance for the role process, bibliographic search, writing and revision of the manuscript and participation in data analysis.
Publication History
Received: 13 October 2020
Accepted: 13 March 2021
Article published online:
30 January 2023
© 2022. Academia Brasileira de Neurologia. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commecial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (
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