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DOI: 10.1590/0004-282X-ANP-2021-0030
Peripheral neuropathy in COVID-19 is due to immune-mechanisms, pre-existing risk factors, anti-viral drugs, or bedding in the Intensive Care Unit
Neuropatia periférica na COVID-19 com mecanismos immunológicos, fatores de risco preexistentes, medicamentos antivirais e compressão dos nervos periféricos nos leitos da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva
Background: This mini-review aims to summarize and discuss previous and recent advances in the clinical presentation, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of SARS-CoV-2-associated peripheral neuropathies. Methods: Literature review. Results: Altogether, 105 articles about SARS-CoV-2-associated neuropathy describing 261 patients were retrieved. Peripheral neuropathy in patients with COVID-19 is frequent and predominantly due to immune mechanisms or neurotoxic side effects of drugs used to treat the symptoms of COVID-19 and, to a lesser extent, due to the compression of peripheral nerves resulting from prolonged bedding in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and pre-existing risk factors such as diabetes. SARS-CoV-2 does not cause viral neuropathy. Neurotoxic drugs such as daptomycin, linezolid, lopinavir, ritonavir, hydro-chloroquine, cisatracurium, clindamycin, and glucocorticoids should be administered with caution and patients should be appropriately bedded in the ICU to prevent SARS-CoV-2-associated neuropathy. Patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) benefit from immunoglobulins, plasma exchange, and steroids. Conclusions: Neuropathies of peripheral nerves in patients with COVID-19 are frequent and mostly result from immune mechanisms or neurotoxic side effects of drugs used to treat the symptoms of COVID-19 and, to a lesser extent, from the compression of peripheral nerves due to prolonged bedding on the ICU. SARS-CoV-2 does not cause infectious neuropathy.
Introdução: A presente minirrevisão tem como objetivo resumir e discutir os avanços dos aspectos clínicos, fisiopatológicos, de diagnóstico, tratamento e evolução das neuropatias dos nervos periféricos associadas à COVID-19. Métodos: Revisão da literatura. Resultados: Foram avaliados 105 artigos sobre neuropatia associada à COVID-19. Nesses estudos, 261 pacientes apresentaram boa evolução. As neuropatias dos nervos periféricos em pacientes com COVID-19 são frequentes e se devem, principalmente, aos mecanismos immunológicos ou efeitos colaterais neurotóxicos dos medicamentos utilizados para o tratamento da COVID-19, a fatores de risco pré-existentes, como diabetes e, em menor parte, à compressão dos nervos periféricos nos leitos da UTI. A COVID-19 não causa neuropatia viral. Os medicamentos neurotóxicos, como daptomicina, linezolida, lopinavir, ritonavir, hidro-cloroquina, cisatracúrio, clindamicina e glicocorticoides devem ser administrados com cautela, e os pacientes deve ser adequadamente admitidos nos leitos da UTI para prevenir o desenvolvimento de neuropatia associada à COVID-19. Pacientes com síndrome de Guillain-Barré (GBS) se beneficiam de imunoglobulinas, plasmaférese e esteroides. Conclusões: As neuropatias dos nervos periféricos em pacientes com COVID-19 são raras e predominantemente devidas aos efeitos colaterais neurotóxicos das mecanismos immunológicos ou drogas utilizadas para o tratamento de COVID-19 e, em menor parte, devido à compressão dos nervos periféricos nos leitos da UTI. A COVID-19 não causa neuropatia infeciosa.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome - Polyneuropathies - Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions - Mononeuritis Multiplex - SARS-CoV-2Palavras-chave:
Síndrome de Guillain-Barré - Polineuropatias - Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a Medicamentos - Mononeuropatias - SARS-CoV-2Authors’ contribution:
JF: design, literature search, discussion, first draft, critical comments. FS, CS, and AF: literature search, discussion, critical comments, final approval
Eingereicht: 26. Januar 2021
Angenommen: 21. März 2021
Artikel online veröffentlicht:
07. Juni 2023
© 2021. Academia Brasileira de Neurologia. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commecial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (
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