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J Pediatr Intensive Care 2014; 03(02): 059-066
DOI: 10.3233/PIC-14091
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart – New York

Biomarkers and genetics of brain injury risk in diabetic ketoacidosis: A pilot study

Sholeen T. Nett
a   Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH, USA
Janelle A. Noble
b   Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, CA, USA
Daniel L. Levin
a   Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH, USA
Natalie Z. Cvijanovich
c   Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland, Oakland, CA, USA
Monica S. Vavilala
d   Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, University of Washington Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA
J. Dean Jarvis
a   Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH, USA
Heidi R. Flori
c   Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland, Oakland, CA, USA
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