Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2008; 21(01): 94-97
DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-07-03-0023
Case Report
Schattauer GmbH

Vertebral canal location of a broken drill bit

S. Etchepareborde
1   Scarsdale Veterinary Hospital, Derby, UK
J. Mills
1   Scarsdale Veterinary Hospital, Derby, UK
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Received 12. März 2007

Accepted 28. April 2007

17. Dezember 2017 (online)

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A 2 mm drill broke during plate fixation of an ilial fracture. Postoperative radiographs showed the tip of the drill bit to be within the L7 vertebral canal. It was retrieved 10 days later via dorsal laminectomy, immediately restoring weight bearing.

a Physeptone, Martindale Pharmaceuticals, Romford, UK.

b Synulox, Pfizer, Kent, UK.

c Rimadyl, Pfizer, Kent, UK.

d ACP Injection, Novartis, Hertfordshire, UK.

e Rapinovet, Schering Plough, Middlesex, UK.

f IsoFlurane Vet, Merial, Essex, UK.

g Physeptone, Martindale Pharmaceuticals, Romford, UK.