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DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-07-08-0083
Cauda equina syndrome treated by lumbosacral stabilisation in a cat
Publication History
Received: 24 August 2007
Accepted 06 February 2007
Publication Date:
21 December 2017 (online)

In this case report, a case of cauda equina syndrome arising from lumbosacral disease in an eight-year-old Burmese cat is described. The cat had a history of chronic right pelvic limb lameness. Neurological evaluation was consistent with a lesion involving the cauda equina. Radiographic findings were consistent with a diagnosis of lumbosacral disease. Due to perceived dorsoventral lumbosacral instability, dorsal decompression and stabilisation of the lumbosacral junction was performed. An original method of spinal stabilisation for this indication is described. The cat had a successful long-term outcome with complete resolution of its presenting clinical signs.
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