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DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-09-02-0014
Tibial tuberosity advancement in two cats with cranial cruciate ligament deficiency
Received:12. Februar 2009
Accepted:05. Februar 2010
18. Dezember 2017 (online)

Two Domestic Shorthaired cats were diagnosed with longstanding lameness attributed to cranial cruciate ligament deficiency without any history of trauma. One cat had a previous operation in which the lateral nylon suture technique was used, and the other cat was affected by a partial tear of the cranial cruciate ligament. Tibial tuberosity advancement was carried out in both patients, which resulted in long-term resolution of lameness for both. The results of these cases concur with previous studies performed on canine patients in terms of viability of technical application and satisfactory return to weight bearing postoperatively. Further investigation of tibial tuberosity advancement in feline patients is justified.
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