The coxofemoral joint is the most commonly luxated joint in dogs and cats. Coxofemoral luxations are generally craniodorsal; caudoventral coxofemoral luxations are relatively rare occurrences and may be accompanied by fracture of the greater trochanter.
The aim of our study was to report the results of a modified Knowles toggle pin application in two caudoventral hip luxations for which closed reduction had not been achieved. Medical records of dogs and cats, which had been presented at our institution between September 1999 and October 2007, were reviewed for cases of coxofemoral luxation. In total, the case records of 67 cats and 147 dogs were found. Of these cases, there was one cat and one dog with caudoventral coxofemoral luxation. For both cases, the toggle pin technique was the method of treatment. The cat had a good clinical recovery within three days after surgery. The dog, which also had a cruciate ligament rupture in the same limb and medial patellar luxation in the contralateral limb, was presented with severe lameness and pain approximately two and a half months after surgery, at which time fracture of the femoral head was diagnosed. Functional recovery was achieved after a femoral head and neck ostectomy had been performed.
Cat - caudoventral hip luxation - coxofemoral luxation - dog - modified Knowles toggle pin