Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2010; 23(06): 453-458
DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-09-08-0085
Clinical Communication
Schattauer GmbH

Triple pelvic osteotomy in dogs less than 12 kg in weight

Technical feasibility and short-term radiographic and clinical complications in fourteen hips
L. A. A. Janssens
1   The Companion Animal Clinic ANUBIS, Aartselaar-Antwerp, Belgium
Y. M. Beosier
1   The Companion Animal Clinic ANUBIS, Aartselaar-Antwerp, Belgium
R. Daems
1   The Companion Animal Clinic ANUBIS, Aartselaar-Antwerp, Belgium
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Received: 23. August 2009

Accepted: 10. Mai 2010

19. Dezember 2017 (online)

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Triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO) was used to treat a selected group of young dogs with clinical and radiographic signs of hip dysplasia. Good clinical outcomes have been reported in dogs between 17–85 kg body weight. Hip dysplasia however is also en-countered in smaller dogs. If surgery is performed in smaller dogs, femoral head and neck ostectomy is the main treatment method used. We wanted to determine if TPO could also be used in dogs under 12 kg bodyweight. Our study showed that it is technically possible to perform TPO surgery in dogs less than 12 kg of weight (down to 4.6 kg) with a good clinical outcome even in hips with high angles of reduction and subluxation.