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DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-10-11-0155
Treatment of a nonunion, secondary to gunshot fracture, of the distal radius with circular external fixation and rhBMP-2 in a cat
Publication History
Received:19 November 2010
Accepted:05 May 2011
Publication Date:
21 December 2017 (online)

Objective: To report the successful use of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in the treatment of an ante-brachial non-union, secondary to gunshot fracture, stabilized with circular external fixation in a cat.
Procedure: Following a diagnosis of a highly comminuted gunshot fracture of the distal right radius and ulna, the fracture was stabilized with a circular external fixation. A two-ring frame was placed in closed fashion.
Results: The skin wound healed uneventfully by second intention in 21 days. Twenty-eight weeks after external fixation, bone healing was absent. 0.8mL of 0.2mg/mL of rhBMP-2 in two collagen sponges was placed in the bone defect. Eight weeks after rhBMP-2 implantation, an early bone healing response was noted on radiographic evaluation. Sixteen weeks after rhBMP-2 implantation, fracture union was achieved.
Discussion: To the authors’ knowledge, 160 ±g is the lowest reported dose of rhBMP-2 that leads to bony union in a cat. However as an individual case study, this report can not be used as evidence that rhBMP-2 at this lower dose is appropriate for use in all cats. Further studies are needed to establish the minimum efficient dose of rhBMP-2 in cats.
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