Objectives: To evaluate the acetabular ventroversion obtained with a modified triple pelvic osteotomy (2.5 PO) compared with that resulting from standard double pelvic osteotomy (DPO).
Study design: Ex vivo study.
Animals: Seven pelves obtained from skeletally mature dogs with a total body weight ranging from 26–41 kg were used.
Methods: Unilateral DPO technique and dorsal ischial mono-cortical osteotomy were performed on every right hemipelvis. Angular ventral rotation was measured by determining the relative orientation of two Kirschner wires placed in the ilial wing and in the dorsal acetabular rim.
Results: The mean angle of ventroversion was 9.5 ± 5.2 degrees for the DPO group (range 2.1–18.1) and 10.9 ± 4.8 degrees for the 2.5 PO group (range 4.1–19.5). The mean difference between the 2.5 PO and DPO was 1.5 ± 0.6 degrees (range 0.5–2.1).
Conclusions: The 2.5 PO technique increased acetabular ventroversion versus DPO.
TPO - triple pelvic osteotomy - DPO - double pelvic osteotomy - osteotomy - hip dysplasia - dog