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DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-12-03-0036
Spinal fracture in a dog with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
08. März 2012
26. Juli 2012
19. Dezember 2017 (online)

A six-year-old, spayed female Weimaraner dog was first presented with the complaint of hindlimb paresis and then hindlimb paralysis two years later after colliding with a tree. Radiographs and computed tomography revealed spinal fractures at lumbar vertebrae (L)2-3 and at L4-5. In addition, the spinal column was affected by new bone formation along the vertebral bodies, bridging the disc spaces, as seen in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH). Open reduction and internal fixation was achieved with standard vertebral body plating. This is the first report of DISH-associated spinal fractures after minor trauma in a dog. Surgery resulted in return of the full function after the first, and in improvement of neurologic function after the second incident.
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