Objectives: To describe the use of Y-shaped tibia plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO) plates for the stabilization of supracotyloid ilial fracture in four dogs and one cat.
Methods: Clinical cases with supracotyloid ilial fracture that were repaired with a Y-shaped TPLO plate were retrospectively reviewed. Fracture type, concurrent injuries, fracture management, radiographic outcome and clinical recovery were documented.
Results: All fractures were reduced and a Y-shaped TPLO plate was applied with one short-term complication. Four fractures healed in original alignment. Screw loosening and malunion was documented in one patient at the six week follow-up examination. All patients had good to excellent limb function in the long-term follow-up.
Clinical significance: The use of TPLO Y-shaped plates for supracotyloid ilial fractures allows good fracture reduction and fixation with a minimal approach and few postoperative complications.
Cat - dog - TPLO plate - supracotyloid ilial fracture