Objective: To report femoral neuropathy caused by nerve entrapment associated with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).
Study Design: Case report.
Animal: Seven-year-old female spayed Boxer dog.
Results: Entrapment of the right femoral nerve due to DISH caused a femoral nerve deficit and atrophy of muscle groups associated with the affected nerve. A combination of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging was performed to provide a diagnosis. Amputation of the right transverse process of the sixth lumbar vertebra at the level of nerve entrapment relieved the neurological abnormality.
Conclusions: Nerve entrapment leading to neurapraxia may occur concurrently with DISH and surgery in this case was successful in restoring function.
Clinical relevance: Peripheral neuropathy from nerve entrapment should be considered in patients with DISH. Surgical amputation of impinging osseous structures may be indicated for relief of femoral neuropathy.
Femoral nerve - diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis - DISH - entrapment - compression