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DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-17-04-0049
Reduction of the A-Frame Angle of Incline does not Change the Maximum Carpal Joint Extension Angle in Agility Dogs Entering the A-Frame
Publication History
06 April 2017
07 October 2017
Publication Date:
13 March 2018 (online)

Objective This article aims to investigate the effect of a decrease in the A-frame angle of incline on the highest carpal extension angle in agility dogs.
Methods Kinematic gait analysis (two-dimensional) measuring carpal extension was performed on 40 dogs entering the A-frame at 3 angles of incline: 40° (standard), 35° and 30°. The highest carpal extension angle from three trials at each incline was examined for a significant effect of A-frame angle with height, body weight and velocity included as covariates.
Results There was no significant effect of A-frame angle on the highest carpal joint extension angle for the first or second limb. The adjusted mean carpal extension angle for the first limb at 40° was 64° [95% confidence interval (CI), 60–68), at 35° was 61° (95% CI, 57–65) and at 30° was 62° (95% CI, 59–65). The raw mean carpal extension angle for all dogs across all A-frame angles for the first limb was 62° (95% CI, 60–64) and the second limb was 61° (95% CI, 59–63).
Clinical Significance Decreasing the A-frame angle of incline from 40° to 30° did not result in reduced carpal extension angles. The failure to find a difference and the narrow CI of the carpal angles may indicate that the physiologic limits of carpal extension were reached at all A-frame angles.
Results of this study were presented in part in the Resident Research Competition at the 26th Annual meeting of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons, 13–15 July 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Author Contributions
Conception of study: all authors; Study design: C. Appelgrein, M. R. Glyde, G. Hosgood, A. R. Dempsey; Acquisition of data: all authors; Data analysis and interpretation: C. Appelgrein, M. R. Glyde, G. Hosgood, A. R. Dempsey; Drafting or revising of manuscript: C. Appelgrein, M. R. Glyde, G. Hosgood, A. R. Dempsey; Approval of submitted manuscript: all authors.
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