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DOI: 10.3415/VCOT08-05-0044
Appendicular fracture repair in dogs using the locking compression plate system: 47 cases
Publication History
Received:15 May 2008
Accepted:12 February 2009
Publication Date:
18 December 2017 (online)

The locking compression plate (LCP) has combination screw holes, making it possible to use the implant in three different ways; as a pure internal fixator using locking head screws, as a conventional compression plate using compression screws, or as a hybrid of the two. The experience with the LCP system in veterinary fracture repair is limited. The objective of this study was to evaluate the outcome of appendicular fractures in dogs, which were repaired with the LCP system combined with less invasive surgical techniques. Medical records and radiographs from 47 dogs were studied retrospectively. Thirty-four percent of the fractures were simple, six percent wedge and 60% comminuted fractures of the humerus (11 %), radius and ulna (30 %), femur (34 %) and of the tibia and fibula (25 %). The fractures were treated using the LCP as an internal fixator; in some cases as a plate and rod construct. Forty-six of 47 fractures reached radiographic union. Mean healing time of the fractures was seven weeks (95% confidence interval from 5.8 to 8.3 weeks). There were statistically significant differences in healing time between juvenile (age under one year) and adults. Complications in the form of implant failures and infections were encountered in approximately 11% of the cases. All implant failures were due to surgical errors. The LCP system in combination with a less invasive surgical approach was found advantageous in comminuted fractures where the LCP was used as a bridging plate, in situations when exact plate contouring was difficult, and when other implants prevented the use of bi-cortical screws.
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