J Am Acad Audiol 2006; 17(04): 253-264
DOI: 10.3766/jaaa.17.4.4
American Academy of Audiology. All rights reserved. (2006) American Academy of Audiology

Measuring Parent Satisfaction with a Neonatal Hearing Screening Program

Rafidah Mazlan
Louise Hickson
Carlie Driscoll
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07. August 2020 (online)

The primary aim of the present study was to investigate parent satisfaction with a neonatal hearing screening program through use of a valid and reliable questionnaire developed for this purpose (Parent Satisfaction Questionnaire with Neonatal Hearing Screening Program; PSQ-NHSP). Eighty parents whose children had received hearing screening participated in this study. High levels of satisfaction were reported with more than 90% of parents satisfied with all aspects of the program. The PSQ-NHSP was analyzed for validity and reliability and demonstrated excellent internal consistency reliability (σ = 0.94) and excellent test-retest reliability (ρ = 0.97). Content validity of the PSQ-NHSP was partially established by reviewing available literature on parent satisfaction studies in other pediatric health-care service programs. Construct validity of the PSQ-NHSP was indicated by a significant positive relationship between overall satisfaction and the three specific dimensions in the questionnaire. The satisfaction questionnaire was found to be a useful instrument for identifying service shortfalls, and routine use of the PSQ-NHSP in other neonatal hearing screening programs is recommended.