CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Plast Surg 2016; 49(03): 314-321
DOI: 10.4103/0970-0358.197237
Original Article
Association of Plastic Surgeons of India

Nasal correction in nasomaxillary hypoplasia (Binder’s syndrome): An optimised classification and treatment

Venkata Ramana Yamani
Contours Plastic Surgery Center, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Shakuntala Ghosh
Contours Plastic Surgery Center, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Shreekumar Tirunagari
Contours Plastic Surgery Center, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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26. August 2019 (online)


Background: Nasomaxillary hypoplasia is a rare congenital disorder involving the central face. It imparts a distinctive appearance to the individual face as the age advances. Severity of the disorder varies, so do the manifestations. Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted on the records and photographic data of 560 rhinoplasty cases performed between 2006 March and 2016 March. About 16 cases of nasomaxillary hypoplasia were selected from the group and they were classified based on the severity of the features. Surgical correction performed in each group was detailed. Results: Three percent of the 560 rhinoplasties performed in our centre turned out to be cases of Binder's syndrome. Nasal correction with locoregional autologous cartilage grafts was sufficient in mild cases. Loco-regional cartilage grafts along with costal cartilage grafts were needed for moderate and severe cases. Anterior nasal floor along with alar base augmentation was performed to achieve a proper aesthetic profile in moderate and severe cases. Post-operative results were excellent in mild and moderate cases and acceptable in severe cases. Discussion: We attempted to correct the deformity only after growth of the nose and maxilla was completed. We used cartilage grafts as a mainstay as cartilage has long-term stability without resorption unlike bone grafts. Instead of following en bloc technique of cartilage assembly, we have reconstructed the nasal dorsum, columella and tip separately as this principle is more functionally acceptable with less warping or stiffness of the nose. Importance was given to proper anchorage of grafts. Conclusion: We have attempted to put together the various features into three categories of mild/moderate/severe based on previous anthropometric studies of nasal anatomical parameters. The second objective of our study was to advise a logical surgical protocol for each group so that future surgeons can follow an easy surgical guideline to attain optimal cosmetic and functional results.


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