CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Plast Surg 2009; 42(01): 058-062
DOI: 10.4103/0970-0358.53013
Original Article
Association of Plastic Surgeons of India

Approach to eyebrow ptosis through the modified technique of Castanares

Pires Viana Giovanni
Member of Brazilian Plastic Surgery Society, Member of Brazilian College of Surgeons
Pires Viana Giovanni André
1   Member of International College of Surgeons
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Publication Date:
15 January 2020 (online)


One of the first signs of facial ageing appears in the forehead, with the descent of the lateral part of the brow. This is a troubling condition for all patients and elevation of the lateral part of the brow becomes a more and more frequent demand. The authors present their experience in 350 consecutive cases of direct eyebrow lift (“butterfly wing” incision) alone or in combination with rhytidectomy and/or blepharoplasty. The majority of the patients were female (90%). The age ranged from 43 to 85 years. Eighty per cent of the cases were performed simultaneously with rhytidectomy and blepharoplasty, 16% were performed in association with blepharoplasty and eyebrow lift alone represented 4%. The most common complication was epidermal cyst (3.4%) and suture dehiscence (2%). The “butterfly wing” incision provides a useful alternative to correction of eyebrow ptosis. Indication for surgery is dependent more on the ageing signs than on the patient™s chronological age. The final results are consistently very gratifying to the patient and to the plastic surgeon alike.


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