CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Radiol Imaging 2005; 15(02): 290-291
DOI: 10.4103/0971-3026.28822
Letters to the Editors

Schwachman diamond syndrome : CT appearances

JR Shah
Insight Diagnostic Centre, A/5, Geeta Bldg, P. Ramabhai Marg, Grant Road (West), Gamdevi, Mumbai-400007, India
SA Patil
Insight Diagnostic Centre, A/5, Geeta Bldg, P. Ramabhai Marg, Grant Road (West), Gamdevi, Mumbai-400007, India
NI Sainani
Insight Diagnostic Centre, A/5, Geeta Bldg, P. Ramabhai Marg, Grant Road (West), Gamdevi, Mumbai-400007, India
D Patkar
Insight Diagnostic Centre, A/5, Geeta Bldg, P. Ramabhai Marg, Grant Road (West), Gamdevi, Mumbai-400007, India
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31. Juli 2021

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