CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · J Lab Physicians 2013; 5(02): 136-138
DOI: 10.4103/0974-2727.119874
Case Report

Molecular Characterization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Causing Fatal Purulent Pericarditis

Vasudevan Anil Kumar
Department of Microbiology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekara, Kerala, India
Nair Nisha
Center for Nanoscience and Molecular Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekara, Kerala, India
Rajesh Thachathodiyl
Department of Cardiology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekara, Kerala, India
Aswathy Nandakumar
Department of Microbiology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekara, Kerala, India
Kavitha R Dinesh
Department of Microbiology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekara, Kerala, India
Eileen Thatcher
Department of Microbiology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekara, Kerala, India
Shamsul Karim
Department of Microbiology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekara, Kerala, India
Raja Biswas
Center for Nanoscience and Molecular Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekara, Kerala, India
› Author Affiliations
Source of Support: Nil.


Though pericardial disease is common in patients with renal disease, purulent pericarditis is very rare. We report a fatal case of purulent pericarditis and sepsis due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a 78-year-old male with systemic hypertension and renal disease along with the molecular characterization of its resistant mechanism.

Publication History

Article published online:
07 April 2020

© 2013.

Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.
A-12, Second Floor, Sector -2, NOIDA -201301, India


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