Cutaneous myxomas are rare benign neoplasms which are frequently associated with Carney complex (CNC). Although more than 500 cases of CNC are reported, there is no literature on cytologic diagnosis of Cutaneous myxomas. An 18-year-old male, with no significant family history, presented with multiple cutaneous swellings, largest measuring 15 cm on the right cheek. He also had spotty skin pigmentations, raised adrenocorticotropic hormone levels and recurrent cardiac myxomas. Fine-needle aspiration cytology from the right cheek and suprapubic swellings revealed paucicellular smears with abundant myxoid material in the background, admixed with fragments of spindle and stellate cells with bland nuclear morphology, and vascular proliferation in few fragments. There was no mitosis, necrosis, or any epithelial element. Hence, diagnosis of cutaneous myxomas in CNC was made which was confirmed on histopathology. This is the first report of cytologic diagnosis of multiple cutaneous myxomas in CNC and the largest cutaneous myxoma reported in literature.
Carney complex - cutaneous myxoma - fine-needle aspiration cytology diagnosis