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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 2015; 06(01): 001-010
DOI: 10.4103/0976-5042.155230
DOI: 10.4103/0976-5042.155230
Review Article
Endoscopic ultrasound.guided fine-needle tissue acquisition – A review and update of literature
Benjamin Tharian
Advanced Endoscopy Fellow, Center for Interventional Endoscopy, Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA
Nayana George
Department of Medicine, Western Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Ashley Canipe
Advanced Endoscopy Fellow, Center for Interventional Endoscopy, Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA
Bronte Holt
Department of Gastroenterology, St Vincent′s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Konrad Krall
Cytotechnician, Center for Interventional Endoscopy, Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA
Shantel Hébert-Magee
Cytopathologist, Center for Interventional Endoscopy, Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA
Udayakumar Navaneethan
Department of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Interventional Gastroenterologist, Center for Interventional Endoscopy, Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA
Robert H. Hawes
Department of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Interventional Gastroenterologist and Medical Director, Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapy, Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA
Shyam Varadarajulu
Department of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Interventional Gastroenterologist and Medical Director, Center for Interventional Endoscopy, Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA
Muhammad K. Hasan
Department of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Interventional Gastroenterologist, Center for Interventional Endoscopy, Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA
› Author Affiliations
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Publication Date:
26 September 2019 (online)

Ever since the first endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) was done in 1992, the procedure has evolved to become an indispensable tool for tissue acquisition in patients with gastrointestinal tumors and periluminal lesions. With the growing evidence of neoadjuvant therapy and research into intratumoral therapy, the need to obtain tissue diagnosis for tumors is quite apparent. This review provides an overall perspective to the endosonographer on various issues that are a key for best practices in FNA, in addition to being an update for practicing experienced endosonographers.
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- 2 Varadarajulu S, Fockens P, Hawes RH. Best practices in endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012;10:697-703.
- 3 Hasan MK, Hawes RH. EUS-guided FNA of solid pancreas tumors. Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am 2012;22:155-67, vii.
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- 8 Beacon Endoscopic′s BNX System for EUS FNA (Video). Available from: [Last cited on 2014 Oct 12].
- 9 Bang JY, Hebert-Magee S, Trevino J, Ramesh J, Varadarajulu S. Randomized trial comparing the 22-gauge aspiration and 22-gauge biopsy needles for EUS-guided sampling of solid pancreatic mass lesions. Gastrointest Endosc 2012;76:321-7.
- 10 Fuccio L, Larghi A. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration: How to obtain a core biopsy? Endosc Ultrasound 2014;3:71-81.
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- 34 Varadarajulu S, Bang JY, Holt BA, Hasan MK, Logue A, Hawes RH, et al. The 25-gauge EUS-FNA needle: Good for on-site but poor for off-site evaluation? Results of a randomized trial. Gastrointest Endosc 2014;80:1056-63.
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