Background: The human nose contains many different types of bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). It is possible to get rid of this pathogen using many topical antiseptics or antibiotics. However, good washing using clean water may be valuable to decrease colonization by this organism. Objectives: This study determined the effect of daily repeated nasal washing in the ablution process performed by Muslims before every prayer on the presence and density of S. aureus nasal colonization. Material and methods: Two groups of volunteers were selected from the students and staff who were selected from Taif University, Saudi Arabia and Menoufia University, Egypt. The first group included 200 subjects who are practicing ablution and prayer and the second group included 100 subjects who do not do ritual ablutions. Personal data were collected and swabs were obtained from inside of the nostrils from all volunteers. Swabs were obtained from worshipers before, directly after, and 2-hours after ablution. Cultures were performed on suitable media and identification of S. aureus was performed according to the standard bacteriological methods. Results: The rate of colonization by S. aureus was 62% among non-worshipers and 38% among worshipers before ablution with a non- significant difference. Among worshipers, the rate of isolation of S. aureus just before ablution was 38% and significantly reduced to 20% directly after ablution (p< 0.01). It rises to 32% 2-hours after ablution. The microbial density of S. aureus was significantly (p< 0.001) lower among worshipers than nonworshipers. Conclusion: Nasal washing in ablution can reduce S. aureus nasal colonization. It can be a simple, easy and effective way to reduce colonization by this organism and thereby decrease the occurrence of serious staphylococcal diseases.
Ablution - nasal colonization - nasal washing - Staphylococcus aureus