Indian Journal of Neurosurgery 2013; 02(01): 084-086
DOI: 10.4103/2277-9167.110209
Case Report
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Reversible parkinsonism secondary to chronic subdural hematoma

Wajid Nazir Wani
Kuljeet Singh Anand

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18. Januar 2017 (online)


Secondary parkinsonism is attributable to a wide variety of causes including supratentorial mass lesions. While tumors are known to present with parkinsonism, chronic subdural hematoma is rarely seen presenting as rapidly deteriorating parkinsonian features with complete disappearance following evacuation of hematoma. The authors present two such patients—70- and 78-year-old males who presented with sudden onset of parkinsonism features. Both failed to recollect any significant head injury. Imaging diagnosed the presence of chronic subdural hematomas, being unilateral in one and bilateral in other. Surgical evacuation resulted in complete resolution of parkinsonian symptoms. These cases reinforce earlier studies for chronic subdural hematoma to be one of the causes of reversible parkinsonism apparently from distortion of basal ganglia mechanically and bringing changes in dopaminergic function, harming the susceptible aging brain.

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