Indian Journal of Neurosurgery 2012; 01(01): 033-037
DOI: 10.4103/2277-9167.94368
Original Article
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Surgery for encephalomalacias presenting with intractable epilepsy

P. Sarat Chandra
Abuzer Ansari
Avnish Chauhan
Amandeep Kumar
Ajay Garg
Chitra Sarkar
C.S. Bal
Manjari Tripathi

Subject Editor:
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
18 January 2017 (online)

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Surgery for intractable epilepsy caused by encephalomalacia (especially post-traumatic) has been reported very scarcely in the literature.

Materials and Methods

21 cases are presented who underwent resections for encephalomalacias for medically intractable epilepsy are presented from a series of 632 cases.


Seizure duration pre-surgery ranged from 3 to 29 years (mean 7.8 years, median of 7 years). Seizure frequency ranged from 2 seizures/month to 7/day, with a median of 10 seizures/month. Causes included head trauma (9), encephalitis (2), peri natal ischemia (3) post abscess (3) and idiopathic (4). The postoperative follow-up was 21 months (ranging from 12 to 63 months). 17 had Engel’s Class I seizure outcome. Four patients had poor seizure outcome (two Class IV and two Class III). All post traumatic encephalomalacias had excellent outcome, and post encephalitis the worst.


Encephalomalacia with intractable epilepsy have a varied outcome and depends on the pathology.