Indian Journal of Neurosurgery 2012; 01(01): 080-082
DOI: 10.4103/2277-9167.94378
Case Report
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Giant intracranial hydatid cyst: A report of two cases and literature review

Jeevesh Mallik
Anil Kumar
C.B. Sahay
T.J. Minj

Subject Editor:
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
18 January 2017 (online)


Hydatid disease is a zoonosis caused by Taenia echinococcus. The three main varieties Echinococcus granulosus, E. multilocularis and E. vogeli are primarily found in dogs and are transmitted to man by fecal–oral route. Commonly affected organs are liver, lungs and spleen. Brain is involved only in 2-5% cases. The authors herein present two cases of giant intracranial hydatid cysts managed at department of neurosurgery, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, India.

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