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DOI: 10.4103/ajns.AJNS_371_16
Angiocentric glioma: Report of a rare case presenting with psychosis
Angiocentric glioma (AG), first described in 2005, was included as a distinct entity in the 2007 World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System. It is a very rare cerebrocortical tumor mainly affecting children and young adults with a history of intractable partial seizures. The histopathological features of this entity are perivascular arrangement of monomorphic, bipolar spindled cells with subpial aggregation of tumor cells and variable neuroparenchymal colonization. Of uncertain histogenesis, this is a stable/slowly growing tumor. Prognosis following total surgical resection is favorable. We describe an AG in a 16-year-old, intellectually disabled, male patient, with psychosis. This is a rare presentation with only one such case in literature. Patient's symptoms ameliorated following surgery.
Angiocentric glioma - low-grade glial tumor - mental retardation - perivascular pseudorosette - psychosisPublication History
Article published online:
14 September 2022
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